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Friday 25 June 2010


Firstly, iäm on a Swiss computer so apologies if my punctuation and wordingäs a bit off!


What an eventful thirty something hours. Group of us, myself, Kingsley and a few of his housemates took a trip to one of the surrounding towns, Cadiz. Oh my giddy gosh. Found my calling or at least where I want to retire of when Iäm really rich and famous live or at least have a holiday home there! Gorgeous. Itäs the most chilled, safe feeling vibe Iäve yet to experience in Spain. Didnät overhear or see what I suspected was another English soul. Despite, all the locals were really, really friendly too me and tolerated my awful Spanish. Situated right next to the beach, the place itself is stunning and I suggest you all go on holiday there or give me a million pounds so I can live there. It almost felt like a Spanish Brighton, only nicer and more chilled out and not so much a fashion parade on weekends. Itäs a similar siye to Blighty and obviously right next to the sea, full of tiny little lanes too with familiar shops and packed full of cafes, bars etc. Loved it.

We spent the day on the beach, me and Kings had a royal lunch of fish consisting of THE freshest mussels in this universe, yum! Followed by BANANA CHOCOLATE AND NUTTELA ice cream. Hell yes. I was happy. Sunbathed, played jolly holly game of tennis in the sea, swam a bit, chilled and then went back to the Italian wonder the is Francesco, Kings housemate, his friend, Danels house. Phew. Here, we showered, got changed and removed all traces of sand from my bag and back to the beach we went! Got some booze and arrived to a mad set up on the beach, full of people getting pissed around massive bonfires!! Commence drinking, me speaking English to people regardless of whether they understood me or not, tried speaking Spanish.. unknowingly was being introduced to people as Kingsleys Russian order bride !! Yep. Watched a firework display then, afterwards, this AMAZING Salsa band turned up, a million drums and various percussion instruments and yyeeaaahhh raved on a beach to salsa!! SO good. Easily one of the best experiences of my 21 years and managed to film a cheeky video but unfortunately because itäs so dark, you canät really see much but at least you can hear!! Bit of midnight swimming, COLD midnight swimming+! and then massive drama llama when Francesco, fit as he may be, decided to pass out. Try as we might, nothing or no one, could move him. After an hour or so, hoping he would sleep it off, there was still no life in the boy and a group of girls we were with freaked and called an ambulance. Knobbers. Silly girls obviously hadnät pulled a whitey themselves before or witnessed what it feels like to be face down on a garage floor during the unsociable hours of Friday night slash Saturday morning, unable to move because the concrete floor feels so damn good on your naked face. POW. Naturally, ambulance came and the paramedics haulled him inside and took him to hospital. I felt awful because the kid was clearly just wrecked and not dying and here was me and Kings, trollied and stoned off our nut as well, trying to be of help but just not really knowing what to say in Spanish.. It all turned out OK. We followed Cesco to the hospital where he vomitted and felt sorry for himself a lot and me and Kings sat and waited, well I sat and waited! Kings passed out and slept on my leg and then finally, around 7am we were all free to go and Cesco could walk. Hoorah. Went for breakfast, went to bed, woke up at 3pm and mooched into town, grabbed some more food and bumbled around till the evening where we begrudgingly left to head back to Seville. So long Spanish wonder land.

And here I am now, sat comfy and clean in Switzyland. Full after eating lots of pasta and salad and FRUIT. Healthy healthy good stuff.Trying to upload mz pics now onto the computer but paranoid the bloody thing is just deleting them and not uploading! Fuck be Satan if that is the case.. Love xxx

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