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Saturday 5 June 2010


is my new favourite place on Earth!!
I'm in Olivia, I don't know if that means anything to anyone? but it's a quirky little place, full of gorgeous traditional little Spanish houses, dogs and cats everywhere, just be the sea where all the locals sit out in the street during the day and say hello to you! Want to move here!!!

Fern lives in the quirkiest little house which is so beautiful. Her, me and her fiance Dan *loveliest person ever btw, sat out on their roof terrace last night and had a few cheeky bottles of wine and ate some food whilst the sun went down. Really lovely evening and didn't stop talking about everything under the sun. Am so thankful they're letting me stay AND SHE HAS TACO! The sweetest little chiuaua pup and 2 bearded dragons and 4 cats! I want to move out here and start puppy breading lol

Journey here was a bit eventful! My flight from Gran Can to Madrid was delayed so I had to do a comedy sketch so sprint through the aiport, they'd held the flight for me! Running as fast as I could through the airport, faffing through airport control, had to take my shoes off to pass the metal detector, no time to put them back on! Imagine me running through Madrid airport, bag in one hand, clutching pair of shoes in the other! People deffinitely thought I'd stolen something and was running from security!! Just made my flight. Got to Valencia but my bag did not. Hopefully getting it back sometime today as I'm currently sitting in a smelly shirt and Fern's pink hot pants haha. Fern and Dan met me off the plane and got to drive through Valencia - gorgeous! Surrounded my vine yards and mountains and just idyllic countryside really with more character.

Dan works in one of the local bars here and also has part-time job organising the water walker things you see down at the beach / kind of like a massive bubble you get to roll around in on water so hoping to do that at some point!

Fern's still in the land of snooze so just chilling, waiting for her to rise. Don't be offended if I don't ever come home lol

OOOOHH FORGOT TO SAY Fern and Dan asked me to be bridesmaid at their wedding next year!!!! Nearly cried. They're getting married Fri 13th May and are toying with the idea of doing a spoof Vampy/Horror theme lol could be fun. But yeaaaayyy BRIDESMAID ! So happy for those two.
Love xxxxxxx

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